Neil Trivers and Chris Carrick publication to SMO

Neil and Chris’s paper “Design optimization of a business aircraft seat considering static and dynamic certification loading and manufacturability” has been published to Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Their work covers the design of an aircraft seat, through multiple stages of optimization for stiffness and crash-worthiness. Congratulations!

Their paper can be found at:

Stephen Roper publication to Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization

Congratulations to Stephen for his publication of “A topology optimization implementation for depth-of-focus extension of binary phase filters” to SMO! His work was done in conjunction with Yonsei University, and covers a novel topology optimization in the applications of optics. We look forward to your many future publications Stephen!

Stephen’s paper can be found at:

Braden Warwick publication to SAE International Journal

Braden’s paper, “Damping of Powder Metal Rings”, has been published to the SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH. His work covers the mechanical damping properties of sintered metals in the application of gears and machinery.

Congratulations Braden and we look forward to your future work!

His paper can be found at: https://doi:10.4271/10-04-03-0017

Jack Olsen publication to SMO

Congratulations to Jack on his publication of “Design for additive manufacturing: 3D simultaneous topology and build orientation optimization” to Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.

Jack’s work is on development of simultaneous topology and build orientation optimization for additive manufacturing using a spatial density gradient approach. Great work Jack!

His work can be found at:

Kevin Fritz Publication to IJNME

Congratulations to Kevin Fritz on his publication of “Simultaneous topology and build orientation optimization for minimization of additive manufacturing cost and time” to IJNME. Kevin’s research improves the viability of TO algorithms within the emerging field of AM, allowing for structural optimization with control over cost and manufacturing time of AM processes.

Kevin’s paper can be found at:

Vlad Florea Publication to IJNME

Congratulations to Vlad Florea for his publication of “Simultaneous single-loop multimaterial and multijoint topology optimization” to IJNME. This is Vlad’s second journal publication, expanding the research topic of multi-joint topology optimization. This paper presents a coupled MMTO-MJTO process with the usage of spatial gradients for material interface detection. Various case studies of this powerful and practical methodology have been presented, exploring the tradeoff between joint costs and structural compliance.

The link to Vlad’s publication:

Patrick Kendall Publication to Composites Part B

SMSD to proud to announce that Patrick Kendall’s paper, “Experimental investigation of adhesive fillet size on barely visible impact damage in metallic honeycomb sandwich panels”, has been published in the journal of Composites Part B: Engineering. Patrick’s work has been supervised by Dr. Wowk, Dr. Mechefske, and Dr. Kim. His paper explores the failure characterization and modeling of aluminum honeycomb panels used in the aerospace industry.

Publication link:

Graeme Sabiston publication to SMO

Congratulations to Graeme for his publication of “3D topology optimization for cost and time minimization in additive manufacturing” to Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Graeme’s work covers the coupling of additive manufacturing cost optimization with topology optimization, providing a valuable tool within the structural optimization design cycle.

The article can be found at:

Daozhong Li Publication to SMO

Congratulations to Daozhong on his publication of ‘Modified element stacking method for multi-material topology optimization with anisotropic materials’ to the hournal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Daozhong’s work greatly expands on the MMTO suite with implementation of anisotropic capability. Thank you Doazhong for your important contributions to SMSD!

The link to the paper: